We’re on a mission.
Our dedicated team at Salud Juicery relentlessly pursues the finest wellness products necessary for your healthy lifestyle and wellness journey.
Our passion is providing healing and wellness support that enable you to incorporate balanced lifestyle and dietary choices to be your LEVEL UP. We invite you to join us by incorporating wellness practices into your lifestyle and sharing your gifts, talents, and health insights with our community. We are all in this together; let’s strive to support in a healthy world.
Nourishing Foods
Soak up the natural goodness of real food! Our menu includes a rainbow of nutrient-packed goodies with all of the nourishing vitamins and minerals you need to thrive.
Positive Lifestyle
Healthy food to support your healthy lifestyle. Our juices, smoothies, bowls, and shots have ingredients proven to support mood, brain health, energy, immunity, and more.
Community Support
We believe in the power of local. Salud partners with businesses and brands throughout the Pittsburgh community to keep our hometown as vibrant as our Cocomosa juice.